Book Review: Extreme Measures

I am back at! And boy does it feel great to be back! They gave me $25 and I have a 30 minute ride to and from work, so it was a perfect match. The first book I bought was Extreme Measures by Vince Flynn one of the more intense reads I have gone through to date. Quite frankly this is a fantastic thriller.

If you read the reviews of Extreme Measures on the interweb you will find that it has been highly praised, and I give a lot of that to the great character development. Both Nash and Rapp (the two main characters) are highly involved characters. You also pear into the eyes of a radical Islamist terrorist which has a really nice impact on the book. The book starts fast, slows down with some legal battles, and ends with a big bang, literally.

I couldn't have picked a better book to get back into my fanboyism. This is a thriller in every sense of the word and is made even better by the tremendous voice naration done by George Guidall. I hear that this is a series of books about the two characters and I look forward to not only going back and reading past novels by Vince Flynn but also reading future ones. If Extreme Measures is any indication of Flynn's ability to write a great thriller, then count me in.

The best line of the book is the final words: "Senator, we will not fail." It literally had me at the edge of my seat drive home. Heck the last half hour of the book was so intense I forgot I was driving to work and I passed the exit and had to U-Turn back around this morning. This was a great novel and one that I am truly glad I read.


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