Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

Earlier this year you might remember that I put out my most anticipated movies of the summer. Outside of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the rest of the list was either middle of the road or just plain bad. One movie I flip flopped on was Guardians of the Galaxy. Jenn and I grew to become a huge fan of Chris Pratt for his role on Parks and Recreation, but the movie just looked dumb.

And then it  was released too critical and commercial success and I got the urge to go see it in theaters and I'm so glad I did. Because outside of Boyhood (which too didn't make my original list) it was probably my favorite movie of the summer. Guardians of the Galaxy is what you want from a summer blockbuster. I've mentioned it in previous reviews but I want some emotion in these movies and Guardians opens with a bang, a truly dark and sad open that gives way to a light and super entertaining movie.

Some of the jokes fall flat, and I'm not a big enough comic nerd to understand all of the jokes, but in all I loved this movie. When Jake and I saw it up in Santa Clara on our weekend trip, we saw it at an 8PM showing which was 90% full. The theater erupted a half dozen times laughing in unison. It was even one of the few movies that had most of the audience cheer at the end. Although not a perfect movie I think Guardians of the Galaxy was easily one of the best movies I saw all summer right behind Boyhood and ahead of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.


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