2017 Reading Challenge: Completed My Goal of Reading 30 Books

I love to read. I genuinely get just as excited about a new book as I do a new video, tv show, or movie. It's the one thing that keeps me sane on my drives to and from work every day. I also like to push myself to read books out of my comfort zone. To both enjoy fantastic fantasy worlds but also read about history and culture. Although I don't always accomplish that I will say that 2017 was a solid year of reading and by mid-December, I completed my goal of reading 30 books for the year. 

2017 Books

As I look back on all of the books I've read in 2017 it's sort of an odd collection of reading. There wasn't one book on this list that I would say ten years from now I will think back on and want to read again. But at the same token, there are some books this year like The Hate U Give and American War that gave me a lot to think about and challenged me in ways books haven't done all that often. 

2017 Reading Stats

Each year I use GoodReads to track what I read and the reviews for books that I read. It's ironic that this year the shortest and longest books I read (the shortest was actually a graphic novel) were some of my least favorite novels of the year. Where as in 2016 they were my favorite. 

5-STAR READS (20%) (↓9% FROM 2016)

I Am Malala, The Illustrated Man, Age of Myth, The Hate U Give, Stardust, Beneath a Scarlet Sky 

4-STAR READS (33%) (↑12% FROM 2016)

Fahrenheit 451, Morning Star, The Handmaids Tale, Being Mortal, American War, What Happened, We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy, Crash Override, Turtles All the Way Down, Uncommon Type: Some Stories

3-STAR READS (24%) (↓1% FROM 2016)

Salt to Sea, This Was a Man, Underground Airlines, Homegoing, Six of Crows, Dark Night: A True Batman Story, We Are Legion, 

2-STAR READS (16%) (↓5% FROM 2016)

The Princess Diarist, We're All Damaged, Dune, The Lost City of Z, I Robot

1-STAR READS (7%) (↑3% FROM 2016)

Pavanne, The Wicked + The Divine, Vol.


This was our second year of doing GamersRead. Not all the books we read were great. Four of the seven books that received a one or two star from me was from the podcast. But we had a great time recording this year. I'm super proud of the podcast. I'm super proud that we've consistently recorded great episodes, and I hope 2018 brings another great year for the podcast. 


Book Review: Little Fires Everywhere


Book Review: Uncommon Type: Some Stories