A Little Late, But #McConnelling is Still Hilarious

I've mentioned a few times how big fans Jenn and I are off The Daily Show. Its a staple in the Szerlip household and we still have not stopped laughing from the #McConnelling craze of a month ago. For some reason we started talking about it on a walk a few nights back and I just cannot stop watching these videos. So a little context. Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky put together a new ad for his senate race. Here's the initial segment from March 13th 2014. 

Since then there have been a ton of these videos put together all of which make me start busting up. This one might have been my favorite:

I believe Jon Stewart did put together a few more a couple weeks after the #Mconnelling craze began but I haven't been able to find the clip. Here are 30 of the best entries into the #McConnelling fun


Loving Last Week Tonight


Movie Review: The Amazing Spider-Man 2