The Unveiling of my New Project

So as many of you have been reading over the weeks, I have been working on a big new project, and lets just say it has grown since the conception. It all began back in April when the TV series were beginning to hit there stride down the home stretch and I realized something I really enjoy watching TV. Why don't I make a few fan sites for the shows I love. So that was just the beginning of what then turned into a much bigger project. I started out with just two sites and both shows that are moving forward with there viewers and two shows that I particularly love watching. I noticed right away within the first couple of days that I was generating traffic and some some ad revenue. So then came the announcement of the new Fall TV Shows for 2007 and I realized I should be buying domains right as they are announced and creating a network of fan sites, and thus the project we have today a compilation (just the beginning) of TV fan sites that all include News, Episode Reviews, Interviews, Wallpapers, Quotes and More. Want to check out what I have been working on? Here is a list of the fan sites currently completed or nearing completion: Fan Site for The Office on NBC Fan Site for Heroes on NBC Fan Site for Jericho the recently saved show on CBS Fan Site for Friday Night Lights on NBC Fan Site for New Show Pushing Daisies This Fall on ABC (Best Domain I Got) Fan Site for New Show Chuck This Fall on NBC Fan Site for New Show Bionic Woman This Fall on NBC

I have so many more that are in the process that I will continually be updating here at WorldofJoel announcing the expansion of the network. In fact for those who think this seems somewhat disorganized, I agree and I actually have a grand scheme that I hope to have completed by this Fall season, but it is rather complex and is taking a lot of hours, so only time will tell. However any feedback on the sites, designs, content ideas, interested in writing for any of them, let me know! Thanks for reading everyone and the continued support!


Best Nike Commercial in a Long Time


Transformers Doesn't Disappoint