Welcome to Our Latest Abode - Our High Rise Apartment

By now you've probably read my post "Sometimes the Right Decisions Are the Toughest Decisions". In that I talked in depth about our struggle to decide what to do with our home. Spoiler, we sold it. When we accepted the offer for our home we had (no exaggeration) 14 days to find a place to live and move out. Crazy right? We went to look at a a couple of places but fell in love with one place in particular the Essex Skyline.

Garage is Packed Up and Ready for the Movers

Garage is Packed Up and Ready for the Movers

We went to view Skyline on June 27th in the morning. We saw both one bedroom plus den and two bedroom models. We ended up falling in love with the one bedroom. To give some more perspective our home was just under 1100 sq ft and our one plus den that we rented is 1200 sq ft.  This is actually the first one bedroom we've lived in since our first apartment in 2009.  

The one plus den we toured was on a low floor however our leasing agent did let us know a higher option was going be available for our move in that week. We came back the following day (Sunday) and put down a deposit on the exact same unit five floors higher. Five days later (July 3rd) the moving trucks came to our home and eight long and stressful hours later we moved in to our new apartment.

As I write this we have been in the apartment for just over two weeks. It's been amazing. We're sleeping again. We're loving life again. We're all around happy again. It's incredible at how much weight has been lifted off our shoulders since moving out of the house.  I think I speak for us both when I say we feel alive again. Over the last couple of weeks we've gotten through all the boxes and began to make the place our own. Soon I will write up a post full of pictures and videos of our fully furnished apartment. Until then I plan to stop, breathe, and enjoy. It feels really good. 


Movie Review: Me Earl and the Dying Girl


Movie Review: While We're Young