TV Review: Master of None

Netflix is on a roll. On a recent episode of the DarkCast we discussed how much of our TV consumption has come from the likes of Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. When I think about how Jenn and I went from DVR'ing everything to watching it all online in the last couple of years its kind of hard to fathom how quickly the change has happened. In the last month Netflix released two huge shows Jessica Jones (which I'm in the middle of) and Master of None which we finished in three days. 

Master of None is a show starring Aziz Ansari best known for his standup and his role on Parks and Recreation. But I think after the first season of Master of None he will gain even more recognition for this brilliant comedy. The show is is about him as a 30 year old actor who has done some commercials and is living in New York. His family is from India so he gets cast a lot in very stereotypical roles and the show highlights that quite a bit. We also get taken on a couple ventures into his love life that transpires into a long term relationship which feels like one of the most realistic relationships I've ever witness on television. 

What I love most about Master of None is that it's a very witty comedy. I've heard some references to Woody Allen which I think are apt. From the opening sequences (which read like a play not a TV show) to the extremely insightful banter there's a lot to appreciate here. The show goes beyond that though and tries to make some extremely relevant analysis on the world today. Whether it be as dumb as Aziz spending an hour trying to figure out where to get the best Taco using Yelp to some truly insightful stuff on Plan B, homosexuality, sexism, agism, and racism. All of that is wrapped so delicately in what is a brilliant half hour comedy that it's never trying to preach anything just inform. 


If you can't tell already both Jenn and I absolutely loved Master of None. It's the type of show I could easily see us going back and watching it again. The 10 episode first season is as close to perfect as a first season of a show can be. Aziz doesn't carry the show on his own, he has an incredible supporting cast that I think was brilliantly put together. I can't sing the praises enough for Master of None. It wasn't really on my radar but after watching one episode we absolutely binge watched the heck out of it in the last couple of days and enjoyed every second of it. 


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