Taking Some Photos With My New Canon Rebel XS

One of the things on my to do list for 2009 was to go out and by a DSLR. Jenn and I have both been wanting one for our Honeymoon in Scotland. We loved our pictures in Europe last year and thought we better get a nicer camera to even better capture the big upcoming events in our lives. We originally were going to go with the Nikon D60 but after checking out so many different reviews we sided with the Canon Rebel XS. We got a great deal on Amazon and got it a day and a half after we purchased it which was great.

Canon Rebel Xs

To inaugurate the camera Jenn and I went a few miles from our apartment to the beach and took some shots. Here they are below.

Flower in Newport Beach, CA

The camera really does great color.

Shot Taken With Canon Rebel XS

Me trying to act all serious. Jenn having a blast taking pictures!

Shot Taken With Canon Rebel XS

A great shot of the waves crashing.

Shot Taken With Canon Rebel XS

Beautiful shot taken of the coast.

Shot taken with Canon Rebel XS

A beautiful shot of Jenn on our way back to the car.


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