5 Tech Items on My Radar to Purchase

So I am a big fan of having goals, in fact both Jenn and I are very goal oriented and we set out goals for ourselves all of the time. Earlier this year I put up a post 5 Tech Items I Would Like to Buy in 2009 and they were a list of items at the time were items I wanted to purchase for our new apartment. Now that 2009 is growing closer and closer to an end I thought I would update that list with new items I would like to buy. Currently off of that original list we have purchased a TV, Camera, and DVR. The other two items Roomba (we decided to not go with) and the iMac (more on that later) we have not yet purchased.

So here is the list of items I would like to pick up in the near future in no particular order.

#5: Canon VIXIA HF200 HD Flash Memory Camcorder

Canon HD Video Camera

Currently Jenn and I have a standard Canon Camcorder that I bought Jenn as a gift four or five years ago. The video camera has done a great job over the years but it is starting to see the last of its life cycle. We really want to get a new camera for a lot of the exciting adventures in the coming months and years ahead and why not capture them in HD. I have read countless great reviews on this camera and I am hoping before we get a dog and go on our next vacation that we can buy this camera.

#4: 27" Apple iMac

Apple 27

On my last list of tech products I wanted to buy, I put an Apple iMac, and to this day I would still like to purchase one. Why haven't I yet? Well originally it was the mere fact that we needed a lot of other things before we bought the iMac for the apartment. And then when we got to the point where we could buy an iMac I had heard all of the rumblings for the new versions, so I have been waiting. With Apple's recent announcement earlier this week they have renewed my love affair with these products and I am back looking to buy one real soon, preferably the 27" model.

#3: PS3 Slim / Bluray Player

Playstation 3 Slim

Currently we have a PS3 in our family room which we watch all of our bluray movies, but often times Jenn and I want to watch these movies in our bedroom as well. So I know I for one would love to buy either a PS3 to play games and to watch movies in the bedroom or a standard bluray player with Netflix support. Either way it would work out perfect and allow us a lot of great Friday night movie nights laying in bed.

#2: Logitech Harmony Universal Remote (Any Version)

Logitech Harmony Remote

Currently we are using the provided Cox remote for our HD-DVR's in both the bedroom and the family room, but to be honest they are one of the worst TV remotes I have ever used. I would really like to get a universal remote for the family room to control the several different electronics in that room. Although our current controllers do control both the TV and the cable box even that seems like a stretch for the controller, it would be great to have a controller that actually does what you ask it to do.

#1: 13"/15" Apple Macbook Pro

Apple 15

So currently my white Apple Macbook looks like it has gone through a war probably from the massive amount of use and abuse it has gotten over the years. Jenn and I really want the iMac to do a lot of the heavy lifting with videos/photos/iTunes etc and then our laptops for surfing and other minor items.  The Macbook Pro is not something we are going to be purchasing in the near future but is something in the next year or so we will be looking for me to upgrade.


Apple Possibly Coming Out With Subscription Based TV Service


This is what makes The Office, Special.