The Big Day Has Finally Arrived! I am Graduating from UC Irvine!!

So as you all have been reading in the past few weeks I am graduating from UC Irvine with a major in Sociology today at 1pm. Can you believe how time flies? I sure can't. It feels like just yesterday I made the big switch from Cal State San Bernardino to UC Irvine and what a transition that was. But now I type this message only hours before I leave to go to my graduation which I am a bit nervous about. I have to say that these kind of things aren't my cup of tea, I would been just as happy getting my diploma in the mail and moving on, but I know that this is something I should and must attend, so that's that.

Anyways I appreciate you all bearing with me through the up's and downs of college life, its a stressful time, it can be fun, but its also a lot of work and I for one and so glad to officially be done. By the way graduating with me is the love of my life Jenn who managed to get done with school in just 3 1/2 years finishing up this fall. How amazing is that? Talk about working hard, she spent so much time and effort getting through school that I just say back and watched as she plowed through some extremely difficult classes. I am so proud of her, I cannot begin to describe the amazing work she has done, and what an honor it is to graduate with her. That is all for today I will be back tomorrow with a recap on the big day!

My First Week of Educational Freedom!


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