Welcome 2008 (A Bit Late)

Howdy everybody, its once again been about a week since my last post, but for those keeping up you would know that I went to the mountains for a few days to finish out the year. So now I am just starting to get back in the swing of things and getting ready for a huge Winter Quarter starting next Monday (The 7th of January). Can you believe it is already a year ago I started UCI? I can't. I got to tell you this has been one of the craziest years of college, so much has changed since I started UCI  that its hard to figure out what is to come next. I am getting very close to getting my Bachelors degree, I talked with my adviser today at UCI and it seems as though I have a "shot" at a Spring 2008 (that's right six months from now) graduation. Now I have to get a few things from my last college to make that happen, but here is to hoping!

I am still working on a look back at 2007, my hope is to actually finish it, last year I started and stopped. This is one of those years that I might put behind me as well. I also have some pictures from the mountains that I am hoping to get around to as well. Gosh its tough getting back in the swing of things, I still feel like I need another week or two of vacation.  But alas, that won't be happening anytime soon. Not much else to post up on right now, although I have a lot to tell, that will have to wait for further blog posts. Welcome to 2008 everyone. Did anyone watch Letterman last night? What's up with the beard? Conan's wasn't much better.

David Letterman's Beard

A Movie Filled Break


Last Post of 2007.. What a Year.