What To Do With My “Free Time”

If you look at my life, and the schedule I have been on for the past three months, you can see why I am thrilled to say that I have some free time. After my Thursday Final I have had sometime to gather my thoughts, do some R&R, and more over just recoup from an extremely long quarter. In fact with some of the free time I have been able to enjoy things that I haven't been able to for a while. Like for example to let off some stress, Jenn and I hit our old past time Tennis and played for a couple hours which was great. Today we took her new dog Spark to a local park and just took it all in. It's so hard when I am just going from school, to the bank, to either of our houses to work on Movie-Stop, Darkstation, and then Homework. If only this free time would last, that would be a great thing.

My recommendation to anyone and everyone, if you have a free second, take it, enjoy it, cherish it, and thrive in it. I am just as guilty as anyone in taking for granite the simple things in life that make living such a great thing.

"I will walk among you; I will be your God, and you will be my people." -Leviticus 26:12 NLT


The Art of Art Museums. A Visit to the Orange County Art Museum


Things I Learned In My First Quarter at UC Irvine