In Loving Memory of Josh (October 25, 1994 - June 11, 2006)

Life has its way of throwing things at you from all sorts of different angles. When I first met Jenn (my girlfriend of almost three years) I was introduced to her brother. Now her brother wasn't like most brothers, he was kind, he was warm, and surprisingly very welcoming. Josh is a golden retriever and at the age of 11 1/2 passed away on June 11, 2006. At this time I just want to thank Josh for always being an amazing brother to Jenn. Through all the time Josh has always been there for both Jenn and I and I want to thank him for that. I beleive that one day we will all be able to see Josh again, and until then, thanks buddy for all the great memories.

Your Friend,



An Unfinished Life (DVD Movie Review)


Firewall (Movie Review)