Coming Up on the #UltimateEurope2016 Trip

It's been a long road leading up to this years trip. We "officially" booked the trip in February but the plan was been brewing since sailing through the Suez Canal on our "Royal Voyage." Since booking the trip we have finessed the trip while keeping the overarching trip exactly what we booked. We've changed some hotels, moved around some tours, but for the most part our trip at the time of this writing is 95-98% set. 

In fact over this past weekend (August 20-21) we did our first round of packing. What does that mean? Well it means can we fit all the clothes we want to take. The answer was for the most part yes. I'd say at the time of this wring we are basically ready to go. We decided to minimize the stress leading up to the trip it would be better to get as much of the packing done. So we spent a lot of our Sunday packing, coming up with outfits for each day, and finalizing a lot of our plans. 

This is by far the most prepared we've ever been for a trip. We know what we want to do almost everyday and have a billion things to be excited for. I thought it would be fun for Jenn and I too do a pre-trip anticipation test. Two questions. Rank the stops of the trip and rank the hotels of the trip. Part of what makes this trip so exciting are the many places we are going and the different hotels we are staying at. So without further ado here are our lists.

Pre-Trip Guessing (In Order from Best to Worst)

Ranking the Stops

Joel: Nice, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Florence, Amsterdam, Berlin
Jenn: Prague, Budapest, Nice, Amsterdam, Florence, Vienna, Berlin

Ranking the Hotels

Joel: Vienna, Amsterdam, Nice, Budapest, Berlin, Prague, Florence
Jenn: Nice, Vienna, Budapest, Amsterdam, Florence, Prague, Berlin

Ranking the Food

Joel: Nice, Florence, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Berlin, Amsterdam
Jenn: Florence, Prague, Vienna, Nice, Budapest, Amsterdam, Berlin

After the trip we plan on coming back to these lists and a couple of others and compare and contrast how our trip was to our expectations. Until then my next post will be written (God willing) from our hotel room in Amsterdam! 


Ultimate Europe Trip 2016 Day 1: Business Class


The Big 30 in Paris: A Recap